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With our model now able to encode the information we need, and the main signature set up, let's start working with the gui service.

First, let's start off by including the header, gui/gui.h. This will give us easy tools for interfacing with the screen.

Next, we add a ViewPort and a Gui object to our BoxMover struct. These are the two structures that will allow us to make and draw to a GUI.

#include <furi.h>
#include <gui/gui.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
// -snip-
typedef struct {
BoxMoverModel* model;

ViewPort* view_port;
Gui* gui;

} BoxMover;

Let's initialize our new Gui and ViewPort objects in our box_mover_alloc function.

BoxMover* box_mover_alloc(){
BoxMover* instance = malloc(sizeof(BoxMover));
instance->model = malloc(sizeof(BoxMoverModel));
instance->model->x = 10;
instance->model->y = 10;

instance->view_port = view_port_alloc();

instance->gui = furi_record_open("gui");
gui_add_view_port(instance->gui, instance->view_port, GuiLayerFullScreen);

return instance;

We get the Gui object by asking furi to open the record with the label "gui", and we use a gui.h helper to allocate a ViewPort, much like we are making with our box_mover_alloc!

In our freeing function, let's disable our ViewPort, close our record, and clean up the memory we've allocated.

void box_mover_free(BoxMover* instance){
view_port_enabled_set(instance->view_port, false); // Disables our ViewPort
gui_remove_view_port(instance->gui, instance->view_port); // Removes our ViewPort from the Gui
furi_record_close("gui"); // Closes the gui record
view_port_free(instance->view_port); // Frees memory allocated by view_port_alloc

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